Chronicles of a Striving Polymath’s Journey


I have always been passionately curious about learning
the scope and details of various fields of knowledge.
As such, on this site you find my thoughts,
adventures and ideas throughout my learnings and journey.

As such, inspired off Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo and Bertrand Russell
, I seek to be a polymath; i.e.  an individual who has chosen to verse
themselves in multiple disciplines and harness knowledge to solve targeted problems.

My Adventures


I  completed my B.Sc  degree in honors physics with extended research experience in theoretical cosmology and particle physics. In addition, I completed a minor in multidisciplinary studies, which allowed me to take interdisciplinary courses and conduct research in scientific fields outside of physics. 

I am now pursuing my graduate studies (PhD) in microfluidics/synthetic biology in order to create novel point-of-care diagnostics.

Non-Profit : Lily’s Voice

As someone naturally passionate about animal welfare, I created a non profit called Lily’s Voice after several extended visits to India. Upon interacting and playing with stray cows, feeding injured stray dogs and attending India for Animals 2018, I made it my mission to create and carry out strategic solutions, such as efficient on-site rescue and capacity building, to aid the street animal crisis.


I am is the Founder of a startup called Polymath Scientific Solutions. The aim of the startup is to increase the output of field ready point-of-care diagnostics to developing and hard to reach regions globally. Particularly, we aim to curate solutions that will be implemented into field settings for the reliable, timely, sensitive and specific diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Independent Interests

Although I am now pursuing graduate studies in microfluidics and synthetic biology, I am still passionate on learning and furthering my interests and curiosities in theoretical physics and other various subjects. I am currently interested in Statistical Analysis, Automotive engineering and electronics.

In addition, I harbor a deep interest for theology, writing and learning languages.  I aim to become a published author.


ProjectJayP was something small I started in 2017 after dropping out of engineering. Having played soccer/football for 21 years, I have always enjoyed having  a ball at my feet. The purpose of this project was  simply to periodically continue spending time with a ball and deliver my interpretation of expressionism. The slogan “Be Entropic” is simply to state that we should all be expressionist in our own unique forms. The world needs more art and individuality.

Non-Profit : Polymath Innovation

The second non-profit I started and wish to further develop is tied in with the start-up and is called Polymath Innovation. Polymath Innovation is focused on transitioning scientific research and IP into a low-cost field setting solutions in developing regions globally. Polymath Innovation is currently a long term project on the backburner right now


Quote of the Week:

Introspection: to march towards the universe within is to escape the suffering of that without.